Thread: In need of advice

Grumble , 05-24-2018 10:41 PM
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Quote: The investment banker is a friend. I got the job offer in January. I cast a wide net and applied a lot of places. Got the class offer last week and I emailed them back to decline the offer.

I know it may sound crazy, but I did indeed decide that UAL wasn’t the best option for me. A lot of that was based on a friend from United’s advice. He’s a Denver FO. Been there almost 20 years. He left SWA for United in 99. Says it cost him millions. But he got to go back on active duty and get his pension. He said we will both be Denver FOs, but I will be making more than him in 3 years and probably upgrade before him. I showed him this thread yesterday. He said you guys must be new and naive.

You guys are taking this way too personally. I imagine you are getting bent out of shape because I’m hitting a nerve. But it’s all good. Maybe we can revisit this in 23 years and see who was right.
If your mythical 20 year FO friend says you’ll make more than him on year three SWA pay under current contracts... that’s his fault. I barely try and usually do more than reserve narrow body captains.

Quote: The airlines now have pricing power, load factors and profits that would have seemed impossible 20 years ago. UA/CAL, DAL/NWA, and AMR/USAir now control (and monopolize) a ton of seats.

Times change.
A glimmer of optimism from The Godfather of grump. Times do change.