Thread: Commuting life?
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Old 06-15-2018, 03:58 PM
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Originally Posted by rickair7777 View Post
This. Accept that you will miss commutes occasionally. If things fall apart, go ahead and try the hail mary plan D (it works surprisingly often) but don't stress over it. Trying even when it looks pretty grim will enhance your statistical reliability, but stressing won't help at all. Gate agents can smell stress and anxiety, and some of them will feed it just for fun.

But do plan ahead, have one backup flight and don't be the guy asking other pilots to give up their JS priority because you rolled through KCM 20 minutes prior to the very last flight which will get you to work. I fell for that a couple times until I recognized the pattern.
good lord someone would need a pretty damn convincing story to make me give up my jumpseat priority. Anything less than a kid in the hospital is going to get a squinting stare in response. Even then I’d probably still be dubious and wondering if you lied to me.

There is no emotion in commuting. If you get a seat you get a seat. If someone bumps you from the jump... thems the knocks. I had a guy apologize profusely for bumping me once. He got on but looked really guilty about it. Why? Hell I would have booted you from my metal without a second thought. That’s the game.
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