Thread: JetBlue job and lifestyle questions

queue , 07-04-2018 02:00 PM
  • Joined APC
    Dec 2016
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Also, the use of the phrase "mutually agreeable" is suspicious.

What it doesn't say is that "the pilot is under no obligation to mutually agree to anything an no consequence shall be applied to the pilot for not reaching an agreement". Right now they can read mutually agreeable and attach strings to the situation. For example, they can give you 5 pairings that you agree to, or else they will assign you to one, then give you the option to back out of it using PTO. The strict letter of the contract says mutually agreeable but doesn't say they CAN'T put pressure on you to mutually agree.

BJ already does this in other places. For example, if you don't extend the extra 2 hours, you are FORCED to file a Fatigue Report OR ELSE you write a report detailing why you didn't extend (IRR I think). Since you didn't file a Fatigue Report (which cannot have retribution), you are alternatively filing a report which CAN have retribution. So they took an FAA rule, then attached negative consequences to exercising Option B.

This contract must have language that disallows them from attaching any consequences to Option B. Overall this contract is very open ended and doesn't stop BJ from retribution or persuasion if a pilot chooses Option B,C,D, etc...

The Railway Labor Act Simplified

This communique is for entertainment purposes only. It does not implicitly or explicitly acknowledge employment with any air carrier nor is any relationship implied. This communique does not represent the opinions or policies of ALPA or JB ALPA and does not represent the collective pilot group, ALPA, nor does it imply collective bargaining, advocacy, or workforce actions intended to disrupt operations.