Keep it in perspective
I may not be happy with some things right now, however...not being worth the price of membership? Now that statement is priceless.
I'm not one of those "It's more than what we it's a good deal" guys.
But let's look at what your MEC got you.
Admittedly smaller than what we wanted....sorta retro
$800K in Insurance with a reasonable buy up instead of survivor's benefits...I could go on and on.
I was a big proponent of the old contract including VEBA. I suspect a lot of you griping about VEBA never read or understand it...kinda like the 68% LOA yes voters.
Emotional statements about it not being worth the price is what gets "us" branded with stupid terms like "Proponents of Hysteria". Like I used to say to "former non-members". If you don't want to be part of the union, then give back your scope payment, retro pay, pay-raise whatever.
If you got more than $2.00/hr on the last contract, then I would say you broke even. 'Cause you sure as he11 wouldn't have done it on your own. As for me, I got a 20/hr pay raise that I won't complain about having to pay the dues on. (and I'm not senior....)
Since it is such a burden....give me your raise....You can keep the rest of your benefits....I'll gladly pay the dues on it. I'll PM you with a routing number and account number.