Old 07-19-2018, 12:32 PM
On Reserve
Joined APC: Jul 2018
Posts: 14

In the interest of helping inform others waiting on “the call”...

I interviewed in early May and waited 7.5 weeks before getting any sort of communication from the company. In my case, it was a “Welcome to the Pool” email. After digesting lots of posts on this forum, here are a couple - possible - reasons for the wait: 1) Rumored HR turmoil/backlog. 2) I had applied for military retirement at the time of my interview, but I did not have approval and a firm date. About a week prior to getting the email, I contacted the company to update my estimated availability date with my approved timeline. I suspect they may have placed me on the back burner until they had this info.

Fifteen days of swimming and I received a CJO. Was offered a short-notice class, but somehow the updated availability date was lost in translation and the offered class was before the new date. End result, I was offered a class date approx. 2 mo out.
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