Thread: Does a busted check ride screw a career

dera , 08-12-2018 09:50 AM
In a land of unicorns
In a land of unicorns
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Quote: Great pilots don’t bust 6 FAA checks. In 40 years of flying, I don’t know anyone with that kind of record, even in the military where busts are more common. Before you ask, I seen hundreds of resumes and Flight Evaluation Folders, done ASEV visits, chaired or convened two FEBs.

This guy got burnt by ATP pretty badly. He had a great attitude about them, owned them 100%, explained what he learnt and what caused them and has had a clean record ever since with a lot of training/testing events. Your opinion isn't relevant to this thread, this guy is an example that no, a busted checkride does NOT ruin a career, but it does slow it down.