Thread: Difference between LGA and EWR

DiamondDriver , 09-30-2018 12:17 PM
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Quote: My priority with a regional airline is to get flight time. Can I fly 85 hours per month or more at Republic if I live in NYC?

How long from starting ground school until flying a full schedule? Thank you for the replies.
Hey man, saw your post in 9E and I figured I’ll answer it over here since I saw it again. Unfortunately due to sim availability at Republic (and any 175 operator) AND line check airmen availability at 9E. There will be around 4-5 week gaps in both trainings at both places. Try to remember though that while delays may be long for the 175 sim, you’ll definitely be flying more once you hit the line at Republic vs Endeavor due to the amount of reserve pilots that Endeavor has currently. If yours looking for quickest to fly, and get through training it’s Mesa and Skywest depending on which aircraft you get.

I’m sure others will chime in with a more specific timeline but 3-4 months including delays from day 1 of Indoc to hitting the line seems to be about the average. Keep in mind at Endeavor that means hitting the line and not flying too much if you don’t live in base.