Old 11-04-2018, 03:15 PM
New Hire
Joined APC: Nov 2018
Posts: 2

Hey Thank You All!

I really appreciate the suggestions and help from all of you out there.

I’m not really sure about making the jump from having not flown for this long to a fast paced IFR training environment like some have suggested. Possibly, but only after getting comfortable in the saddle.

Yes I am an ATP and have a bunch of Alaska IFR Navajo time in some pretty crummy environments but as far as being in the lower 48 type IFR environment in a faster aircraft than a Navajo I’ve got absolutely zilch. Pretty intimidating to be honest as we did things kind of differently in the places I used the Navajos capabilities. Usually in the places I flew ifr I’d be the only, or one of just a few aircraft talking to Anchorage center.

I really appreciate the feedback on the idea that being a CFI is a great responsibility, and I think back over the years to all the really dedicated instructors I was lucky enough to fly with. Some of the things I learned from a couple of old timer Alaskan pilots definitely saved my bacon a few times. Or kept me out of places where the bacon got too crispy if you know what I mean...

I want to be someone like that if I can, and at 49 I like the idea of finding a place where I could live a more settled life. Yes maybe I’ll have to deliver pizzas on the side (did that many moons ago) or do A&P work too to make ends meet. I’m pretty familiar with the aircraft types I mentioned because a lot of the places I flew in AK I did line mx and fixes out in the boonies. Lots of annuals too when at the bigger bases.

After bouncing around AK for so long and suddenly being almost 50 tho and having a dog to take care of, I need a place to kind of settle. The winters are getting longer for me here.

I hope I can find that. I’ve been researching some West Coast training and places to live but have a ways to go before settling on a place.

Thank you again for all your thoughtful responses!
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