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Old 11-09-2018, 06:18 PM
Hold my beer, watch this.
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Joined APC: Aug 2012
Position: Airbus Pilot
Posts: 246

Originally Posted by Mugatu View Post
I respectfully guess you are not among the 12+ year guys and don’t know what we’ve been through. There will be more no votes among us than any other group.

Vote NO!
I am a not a 12 year guy or close to it just a junior man. I respect all you guys/gals for what you went through here at F9. I know you are due for a big pay increase. I just fly with them a lot and in the last 6 months it seems like some were lowering what they wanted, getting impatient, and worried about the economy. That worries me. Especially with PBS thrown in at the last minute. This contract is setup to where the gap from the rest is not as bad at year 12 then it is down the pay scale. So I am guessing IF it was to pass that is how they would get it. Not at all saying it will. I have been in other contract negotiations and the company always targets the area of the pilots that will give the majority aka 51 percent. If it goes down then they just sweeten the pot just a bit more in those areas. F9 is top heavy. More then half of this group is at year 12 and that is where they would target imo. If it was junior they would give more pay to the junior guys and less to the senior ones. That is all I am saying. Anyway, there are always those quiet ones who vote yes and you never knew it was coming. I have seen airlinepilotforums in the past filled with no votes and then watched a TA pass. I just hope we all fight for what we deserve. I think we will.

BIG NO VOTE from me.
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