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Old 08-06-2005, 03:48 PM
Fun Officer
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Joined APC: Feb 2005
Position: Dallas, Texas
Posts: 515
Default 200 Cool Secrets

200 Amazing Secrets

1. Remove a broken key from a lock.

Put some super glue on broken off part, insert, hold a few seconds and pull.

2. Remove a broken light bulb.

Stick a bar of soap into jagged edges, use soap as handle.

3. Remove a stubborn screw.

Heat with a soldering iron for a few seconds first.

4. Protect children from sockets.

Keep a piece of electrical tape over them when not in use.

5. Good glass door safety tip.

Put a BIG decal on the glass and patio doors.

6. Keep nails from splitting wood.

Blunt sharp end of nail before you use by hitting with hammer.

7. Repair small holes in screen.

Plug holes with clear nail polish, let dry, repeat until filled.

8. Straighten warped phono records.

Place record between two sheets of glass, let sit in sun for a while.

9. Best way to clean phono records.

Dip in solution of detergent and water, rinse and wipe dry.

10. Make your own fireplace logs.

Roll newspapers up tightly in shape of logs.

11. How to remove oil from a driveway.

Cover with sand let stand for a few days, then sweep off.

12. Keep fish hooks from rusting.

Stick them in a cork and submerge in some baking soda.

13. Make sandpaper last longer.

Back sandpaper with masking tape.

14. How to revive old razor blades.

Rub them back and forth inside a drinking glass.

15. Remove road tar from cars.

Sodium bicarbonate on a damp cloth.

16. Remove labels from bottles and jars.

17. Cut glass without a glass cutter.

Use tin snips and cut under water, smooth rough edges off with knife blade.

18. Easy to unglue stamps and envelopes.

Put in freezer for a few hours then flip off with knife blade.

19. Get water out of your watch.

Strap watch to light bulb, turn on for a few minutes. Water drops will form

on glass. Open up and wipe off.

20. Prevent snow sticking to shovel.

Coat shovel with car wax.

21. Tighten your hammer handle.

Soak in used engine oil for a day.

22. Low cost laminating -EASY.

Cover article with clear contact (cling film) paper.

23. Open that stuck zip.

Spray the stuck zip with shaving foam.

24. Remove paint from auto.

The product to clean paint from your car is Benzol.

25. Increase your petrol mileage.

Put 4oz of benzol to each ten gallons of petrol to increase mpg.

26. How to renew car batteries.

Dissolve 1oz of epsom salts in warm water and add to each cell.

27. Easily untie a knot in a chain.

cover the knot generously with cold cream.

28. Loosen those tight shoes.

Wad some damp newspapers into shoes and leave for a few days.

29. Make shoes slip proof.

Take scissors and scratch crisscrosses on the soles.

30. The ideal pin cushion.

Use a bar of soap, makes sewing easier, needle just slides through.

31. Make your own metal polisher.

Take blackboard chalk and rub into cloth, then rub on metal.

32. Good dog and cat repellent.

Place mothballs in areas. They will avoid it. Animals hate mothball odour.

33. When your pet has no appetite.

Try a saucer of beer. It's known to perk up the appetite.

34. Easy to rid pets of fleas.

Put a foam rubber bed in the pet's bed - fleas hate it.

35. Quick ways to press ties.

Hang in bath while you take a shower - steam takes wrinkles out.

36. How to remove staples.

An old nail clipper works fine for removing staples.

37. Eliminate odours from disposal.

Throw a lemon in it and let it be ground up.

38. Keep salt moisture free.

Put pieces of blotting paper in shaker. It will absorb moisture.

39. Simple eye glass cleaner.

Vinegar diluted in water makes fine eyeglass cleaner.

40. Easy clean glass doors and mirrors.

Just rub with damp newspaper - they will shine.

41. Easily reduce ashtray smell.

Keep a small amount of baking soda in ashtrays at all times.

42. Messless painting from a bucket.

Punch several holes around rim of can with small nail.

43. Take lumps out of paint.

Cut a piece of screen to fit inside of can or bucket, it will float to bottom

taking lumps with it.

44. Keep bugs out of paint.

Pour a little insect repellent into the can - it does the trick.

45. Prevent flowers from fading.

Use a few drops of chlorine bleach in water, add an aspirin for life.

46. A simple roach formula - IT WORKS!

Crumble cigarette butts in water, let dry then spread in roach areas.

47. Save painting clean up time.

Cover roller tray with aluminium foil then just throw away.

48. A novel paint can cover.

Use plastic lid from a coffee can.

49. Keep piano keys looking new.

Keep cover open, ivory turns dark if exposed to darkness.

50. How to remove grease from rugs.

Pour ample amount of baking soda on it, brush in, let stand for a day and vacuum off.

51. Destroy desire for nicotine.

Take before breakfast, a half teaspoon of rochelle salts and cream of tartar.

52. Destroy desire for alcohol.

Mix goldthread with gold seal in a tea. It creates a violent taste for alcohol.

53. Excellent insomnia formula.

One tbs powdered milk, 2 tbs honey, 1 tbs brewers yeast, stir into cup of warm milk

and take before retiring.

54. Famous diet formula plan.

Mix 1 tbs safflower oil to 2 tbs grapefruit juice, take before meals.

55. The $25 beauty facial.

Spread milk of magnesia over face, let dry, cover again, let dry, remove with damp

cloth, then apply some warm olive oil, then apply some ice cold witch hazel.

56. How to improve your IQ.

Hydrocotyle asiatica teas are a noted brain food.

57. Make pantyhose last longer.

One tbs alum, 1 quart water, rinse, let dry, then wash with soap, rinse and dry.

58. Remove blood stains from carpet.

Sponge immediately with cold water, then use a bit of soap, rinse and dry.

59. Make your guitar really shine.

Rub some toothpaste on, let dry then buff it. It will shine!

60. Keep a burn from blistering.

Apply ice cubes to the burn immediately.

61. Remove ink stains from carpet.

Apply a paste of milk and cornstarch, let stand a few hours and brush off.

62. Dry shampoo your pet.

Rub baking soda into fur and brush out. Will smell great.

63. Put a shine on your windows.

Brush with nylon stocking, use blackboard eraser to shine.

64. Unwrinkling plastic materials.

Heat ironing board with iron, lay materials on, smooth with hands.

65. Easy needle threading.

Dip tip of needle into clear nail polish and let dry.

66. How to clean your ties.

Put tie in jar with some carbon tetrachloride, shake, take out and let dry.

67. Easy clean your nail file.

Press apiece of tape onto file, pull off. Removes all dirt.

68. How to remove scorches.

Wet scorched area and cover with cornstarch, brush off when dry.

69. What to do if you oversalt food.

Drop a potato or two into it. Absorbs the oversalt.

70. Watermelon ripeness test.

Look for a creamy surface underneath the melon.

71. How to freshen stale nuts.

Stick them in the oven for 15 minutes at 250 degrees.

72. How to destroy fish smells.

Rub butter on your hands or wherever smell is to be removed.

73. How to destroy onion smells.

Dampen hands and rub bicarbonate of soda over them.

74. Keep and use overripe bananas.

Mash and freeze for making cakes and biscuits.

75. How to boil a cracked egg.

Add a dash of vinegar to the water.

76. How to make mocha coffee.

Instead of milk or cream try some chocolate milk.

77. Easy boiled egg peeling.

Keep lid on for a few minutes after boiling, pressure causes shell to fall off.

78. Eliminate popcorn duds -fast.

Freeze it first then it will all pop.

79. Easy clean kitchen windows.

Add starch to water and clean with a piece of newspaper.

80. Easy clean silverware - the best.

Use baking soda and damp cloth, clean, rinse and let dry.

81. Vegetable for liver and prostrate.


82. Fruit soothes intestinal tract.


83. A fruit for arthritic gout.


84. An appetiser fruit - GOOD


85. Fruit for stomach.


86. A fruit for constipation.

Raw apples.

87. A fruit high in iron.


88. Fruit for neutralising acid.


89. A fruit healthful for kidneys.


90. A fruit fine for the nerves.


91. Two fruits thought anti-tobacco.

Apples and grapes eaten raw.

92. A fruit thought anti-cancer.


93. Vegetable good for the kidneys.


94. Vegetable that's antibiotic.


95. Fruit to tune blood vessels.


96. Vegetable for fresh breath.


97. Ingredient good for the heart.


98. A vegetable good for the eyes.


99. A good source of iodine.


100. A vegetable with high vitamin C .

Green peppers.

101. How to shine your refrigerator.

Use bicarbonate of soda on a wet sponge.

102. How to remove a hot cake pan.

Use clothes pins.

103. Keep windshields frost free.

Apply solution 1 part vinegar to 3 parts water over windshield.

104. Make dry cell batteries last longer.

Seal in plastic bags, wrap in aluminium foil, keep in refrigerator.

105. Remove wax from candle holders.

Freeze holders in refrigerator and it will just peel off.

106. Prevent kitchen stools from slipping.

Put rubber tips from crutches on bottom of legs.
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