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Old 01-05-2019, 02:54 PM
Perennial Reserve
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Joined APC: Jan 2018
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Originally Posted by Fpmx772
There will never be less rjs, just less carries operating than. There in no way DL would park our birds. They would just give them to another carrier.

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Who would then basically have to reestablish our bases and pilot force.

This appears to be a high level game of chicken the exact terms of which we are not privy to. As it gets down to the nitty gritty, the decision will ultimately be Deltas because they own the birds, and if 35 birds go away the primary assets that Hulas has - the pilots, maintenance, training and and support facilities threaten to become an expensive liability rather than an asset. But the cost of letting all the airframes sit idle while those assets are reconstituted by someone else - and the expense of reconstituting them - is not trivial either, not even to someone with the capital of Delta.

Ultimately I think someone is going to win the game of chicken, and the other party will blink first. But until each side gets edgy enough about losing money to start dealing seriously, the game of chicken will continue.

But given the long lead time necessary to prep for anything but a simple contract extension, both TSH and Delta management are - I'm sure - already talking.
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