Thread: Delta loves UND

Thrust Normal , 03-08-2019 11:09 AM
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Thrust Normal
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Quote: Right, and I'm in favor of a relatively tight supply etc. However IMO we won't perpetually benefit from a prolonged supply crisis before something gives. All stakeholders are effectively ignoring the issue right now, which is further providing pressure on supply. But the path we're on is radically unsustainable and will be corrected.

The very thing in question (the asinine college costs from generations of mass unchecked govt intervention to socially engineer society) will drive numerous negative consequences. The most relevant to us will be the eventual elimination of the degree requirement. I'm not saying that pilots with degrees are superior and that no one can or should do it without one, I'm merely pointing it out from a supply perspective. With one fell swoop, the entire industry can instantly remove a 6 figure barrier to entry.

While that will provide some significant level of additional supply for current and future pilots, it will comparitively lower the pressure that we're benefitting from moreso than if we simply addressed the supply chain from a rational infrastructure based perspective. At that point maybe we'll have the right balance and maybe we won't. But with flight training infrastructure pretty much still in the dustbin from the "lost decade" what's taken its place are equally unsustainable cost inflations, ironically paired with large expensive colleges.

So if that's not enough, how will the still potentially crisis level barriers to entry manifest into the howls of relief demanded by the industry stakeholders aside from organized pilot groups? As we celebrate now, we could be greasing the skids for reduced minimums/MPL/Cruise Pilot scams, cabotage, a large increase in foreign visa pilots who will work for less and pushes for increased automation and regulatory relief that, while probably not resulting in no pilot or single pilot airlines, probably will result in some 4 pilots going to 3 and some 3 pilots going to 2. It would be an understatement to say that scumbag FoC operators will bloom like a red tide on our shores as well because both sides of the political isle will not only welcome but demand it.

The current system is benefitting us now, but nothing is being done to address what may likely become a crisis later. Nothing. Medical school costs for big Ed programs aren't the answer no matter who pays for it.
I couldn’t agree more with you’re statement. I’ve been thinking for a while we, as an industry, need to be doing more to come up with some reasonable solutions. Because if we don’t, I’m not sure that we’ll like the ones that get forced upon us.