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Old 03-28-2019, 10:43 AM
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Originally Posted by jrwit View Post
I haven't posted in forever, but this thread is ridiculous.

In the last few months of being a CA at Mesa before I was hired at a legacy carrier, off the street, (with less than 1000TPIC btw) I saw more and more of this type of new hire. The "middle-aged, out of the game for a while or second career or only flew king airs around Louisiana, I don't want to wait to be CA, I don't know why you think you deserve to be in the left seat b/c you're my kids age while I'm stuck over here with all of my wisdom" guys.

Ya know what, almost without fail, 90% of them SUCKED. Bad. Real bad. Extra sims, extra IOE, can't manage the plane at all, bad. I can rattle off multiple stories with multiple guys to back up my point.

You haven't flown professionally in 18 years, have NO FMS, EFIS, modern jet experience; yet you honestly, truthfully, think you can be a safe and effective 121 CA. I mean, look at the situation objectively.
Yes you "meet the FAA CA requirements now"....but do you really think just meeting the requirements means you're able to truly do the job? I can tell you, based on flying with multiple dudes just like you, no, you probably can't yet. In a year or 2, after getting some experience, you probably could.

Sure, you could be the perfect unique snowflake that isn't like all the other ones that I've personally flown with... but your attitude is clear when you say things like "Would you go somewhere where you had to wait 3 years to start getting TPIC, which is what I need the most to qualify for the LCC's.". The answer should be "Yes, I would be happy to, so that I can pay my dues and so that I can actually do the job safely."

And they call my generation the entitled one?
Where exactly did I say that I will be ready to upgrade in a couple of months? I've said the opposite, that I'm going to need several months or more before I feel ready to upgrade.

And yes, I feel I can be a safe and effective 121 CA after training and flying the line for a while. Why the hell would I not? I had no training failures or issues at my previous 121 job, and it was all new to me then, just as it will be now.

You know nothing about me, my ability or study habits to be making stupid assumptions like you did.

I don't know what your problem is, but no one in my position and age would be willing to wait at least 3 years to upgrade, unless they have no faith in themselves. Speak for yourself, not for me.
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