Thread: Advice, need more advice!

Nightsky , 12-15-2007 09:13 PM
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I have a captain friend at a regional that has 3000 pic and who is trying to move on to the 'big boys'. When he was younger, he opted to go the fast route to the cockpit and skip college. He now DEEPLY regrets it. Not a week goes by that he doesn't tell me how bad it's holding him back. I made getting college done my priority, so yes, I'm still an FO, but I have the 4 year degree. He doesn't. I think in the long run I have the advantage. Now he has to try to fit in correspondence courses online to get a degree, and he hates it.

Just get the school done. You're young, so don't rush into a bad decision that will have serious outcomes. Like the poster above me said - Finish College!