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Old 12-18-2007, 09:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Albief15 View Post
Yep. I remember and feel your pain. Ain't it great to be on the cutting edge?
That's okay. I'm sure when you are at Langley things will be muuuuuch more laid back and low stress, and the emphasis will be on tactical employent and not queep and appearances...

However--if you bat$hit crazy and did the Alaska will still have its headaches. But Dozer and Corky will both be great guys to work for--superior drivers and even though they are probably under a microscrope those dudes are fighter pilots first.

Good luck. Hour and half late out of Indy last night and had to de-ice, so if that helps keep your perspective I hope it helps. Also couldn't move/drop any trips this month--also an @ss pain. Pick your poison...
I was a little tired after my 1.3 hr drive home from Langley. 2.6 round trip...every day. Talk about a commute. Anyway, the night pit and go's weren't too bad...I was just venting.

AK will be a great deal for some FDX MD-11 F/O. I'd kill to have my Guard job at my domicile. My wife would never go for it. The Reserve honchos are solid up there, too, and they've learned alot from our integration here at LFI. Growing pains, but it'll all work out.

Especially when the brand new 71st FS building says "149th FS" on it and 18 of those Raptors have VA on the tail!