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Old 06-25-2019, 03:09 PM
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Joined APC: Sep 2018
Posts: 68

All the headlines on these articles mistate the facts. Mitsubishi is not buying the CRJ manufacturing business, only the maintenance and logistics.

So, a week after Bombardier said it would not split the business the business is split, with the part they are keeping to close in just over a year.

So Delta flying has already started leaving at 2 planes per month and United flying going down by 4 planes a month, does anyone have a plan?

Gojet has a solid reputation for only hiring the best people in management willing to work for 1/4 of what real managers are making. What are these Top People going to do? Steve Briner, what is the plan? Wait, he is gone after bringing the on-time down to about 10% and firing people on medical leave. Randy Bratrcher, VP of Ops, where is that Navy pilot leadership? Wait, after firing a reservist for going on military leave and a pilot/attorney for being on medical leave, together costing the company over 2 million dollars probably, he was asked to leave and is now an FO at Atlas.

I guess we are at that point where Success is thrown upon someone. Who will step forward and save G7!
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