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Old 08-11-2019, 03:36 PM
symbian simian
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Originally Posted by jamesholzhauer View Post
The implementation LOA prohibits the company from having a first come first serve premium open time pot until certain other provisions of the CBA (beneficial to pilots) are implemented. 5 times now, when the company is in a jam with staffing, they have done it anyway. This is 150% pay, mind you, and not subject to seniority. What IS allowed under the CBA/implementation LOA is VDA (volunteer on a day off) at 190% (soon to be 200%), or reserve support augmentation at 4:12/150% if not used, or what you actually credit at 175% if used. VDA is seniority based.

While premium FCFS pays pilots extra, those pilots would be paid VDA rates (assuming they signed up for it) and used in seniority order. So the company is blatantly violating the implementation LOA, to their benefit from a staffing standpoint and cost standpoint, knowing that the grievance won’t be heard until September, at which point premium FCFS is turned on anyway, and knowing under the RLA there isn’t much that can be done about it.

Ironically, right around the time of one of the violations not too long ago, they sent an email out about “integrity” with respect to picking up trips for the following day knowing their trip was delayed and might make them illegal (pay protecting the pilots). JB doesn’t update their delays in their systems, allowing guys to take advantage of that. All JB has to do is be more transparent with delays, instead of milking the ol 15 minute rolling delay, or not posting a downline delay they know will happen, but they choose not to. They speak out of both sides of their mouth with their “values” and only care about values when it benefits them, or use them to threaten pilots who take advantage of their lack of integrity (with respect to operationally delays), even if their own system says it’s a legal pickup.

Also, right before I think the second one, guys were still bargaining with crew services for double pay to help out. Crew services would agree to it over the phone, then they’d get paid straight pay. The chief pilot sent out an email saying “crew services can’t negotiate extra pay, you will only get paid in accordance with the CBA. No outside deals anymore.” Then they throw out a deal clearly in violation of the CBA right after bc they were in a jam and needed help. Then they realized there’s nothing much ALPA can do about it other than file a grievance, and started doing it a lot.

There are a few other nuances, but that’s the gist.
That is definitely a lot of $h/t
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