Old 12-27-2007, 04:28 PM
Joined APC: May 2006
Posts: 540

Originally Posted by FliFast View Post
We have Capts at UPS that have over 10 years in type and are buffoons ?????????

Any suggestions you have for our UPS Capts ?

What does "twoop" mean, I just learned what "Load complete" means.

Sorry for being green at all this stuff,

As a new wingman in a fighter squadron those are the only things you are allowed to say on the radio. Generally more SA will arrive into your ears than will come out of your mouth. Twoop is long for TWO and denotes your wingman status. Wingmen are even numbers, leads are odd numbers. Some wingmen can be flight leads, while all flight leads can be wingmen.
The newest wingie usually fly's in the number two spot with the most experienced flight lead / IP.

Twoop = status as a wingman for this flight

Mayday = an allowable statement to be used only if death or crashing is imminent

Lead you're on fire = This is the third thing you are allowed to say and you had better be right

Bingo = denotes you are out of gas and need to go home. Depending on the situation you might be sent home alone which is punishment of and unto itself. Good fighter pilots can keep it up as long as required to do the job.

I've got mine = the long way of saying you have your targeting responsibility and you had better be right!

You take the fat one = what the flight lead says to the wingman when targeting a two ship and one of the two is "heavy". Divide and conquer. Take a spear for the team. One day if he does well he will become the flight lead and get to "assign" duties too!
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