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Old 10-15-2019, 10:41 AM
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Joined APC: Feb 2014
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Originally Posted by BrazilBusDriver View Post
So what genius had the bright idea to run real-time UAV control over SATCOM? I mean best case to geo-stationary orbit you're talking 500ms of latency. I haven't done the math in a while but if memory serves at lower look angles, it's usually more like 650-700, sometimes even 750. So we're talking 2/3rds to 3/4 of a second - that's worse reaction time than being drunk.

And shifting gears back to the original topic of conversation: not to mention the cyber-security nightmare that is an airliner you can potentially remotely control. You'd think we'd have learned from 9/11, but I guess if you tell some idiot there's profit involved the "danger Will Robinson" part of their imagination shuts off...

My family would say they preferred to have me deployed in garrison for 4 years as opposed to living overseas in the sand box. The system works pretty well, in about 50 years you might get to see some of the strike footage that proves that fact. I’d much rather kill terrorists from an air conditioned room only a few minutes from my house than be forward deployed away from loved ones. The 1 second delay is just a small price to pay.

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