Thread: Boeing 737 MAX
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Old 11-01-2019, 07:11 AM
METO Guido
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Senate Transportation Committee; S
Some informed, constituent relevant questions. Plain language discussion, for the most part absent partisan braying. Except for Sen. Blumenthal of course, who somehow doesn't need vocal chords for scolding. Ranking member Cantwell (D-WA) appeared well prepared and narrowed quickly to key gaps in organizational structure and response.
Boeing CEO; U
34 years at BA and not the first clue how to talk to regular humps . At least he refrained from asking for his life back. Two straight hours of we accept responsibility, deny, deny, deny. Hey BOD, whatever number he's holding out for, no room left on the error pyramid for severance quibbling. According to the grand architect, were mistakes were made in execution? Yes. Must we do better? Most certainly. Is the system solid, "going forward?" Rock Solid. Let's not bicker and argue about who killed who. You know you want to trust us. 150,000 colleagues strong. Boeing, Boeing.
NTSB Chairman; S
Skipper, ditch the Elton John frames. Seems out of his element in the spotlight. Which in times of the occasional runway overrun/evac drama is ok. Kept referring in general to their published recommendations. Which is acceptable, if urgency isn't required. Sharpen the attack and speak up for Pete's sake.
Not called to testify but looming large in the void. After decades of neglect, the regulating body has now become a liability for even those who rely on its weightlessness. What might be done to restore utility, preferably before Asian airplanes hangar in every garage? Bueller? Anyone, anyone?
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