Thread: Nov/dec ae
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Old 11-23-2019, 05:34 AM
Line Holder
Joined APC: Jan 2013
Posts: 93

TennisGuru, thank you very much for that information! It's very helpful when filing out our "drop sheets" before Indoc.

As you correctly deduced my goals are: 1) get to ATL to make the wife happy (she's from the area) and 2) fly a more comfortable airplane without an additional trip through training. I had not considered the effects of the -88 drawdown pushing ATL320B more and more senior. With that information the option to go straight to the -88 and ride it off into the sunset makes more and more sense.

On a broader note: thanks to TennisGuru and the rest of the Delta APC folks. My questions have always been met with a quick, friendly, and flame-free response. It speaks volumes to the character of the community. Again, thank you!
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