Old 12-27-2019, 08:17 AM
Line Holder
Joined APC: Oct 2019
Posts: 45

Originally Posted by Excargodog View Post

Even if you were right - and you aren’t - IT JUST DOESN’T MATTER, because when the Air Whisky HR people are asked by the United or Delta or American Airlines HR people what their experience was with Joe Pilot and they TRUTHFULLY SAY that he ran out and reneged on a contract he signed, Joe Pilot’s chance of getting to the big time has now decreases considerably.

So yeah, if you are leaving the industry altogether and only owe $10 grand or so you can probably get away with stiffing them, because lawyer fees and collection costs may exceed what you legally owe, but I sure wouldn’t do that if you haven’t yet got the final job you intend to get in aviation. And even that you are taking the chance that HR doesn’t feel the need to make an example of you ‘pour encourager les autres.’
Most of these guys are leaving for the dream job so by the time Air Whiskey figures out what is going on they will already be in class. However when another employer calls all Air Whiskey HR is going to do is give them the PRIA report and confirm dates of hire and position because they aren't interested in exposing themselves to a lawsuit.

However the debt may appear on a credit check so in that case you would have some explaining to do to other employers.
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