Thread: YX’s Future as a UAX Carrier

avi8tor614 , 12-30-2019 09:36 AM
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Quote: No way you just said this. GTFO. We’re all out here fighting for better work rules, QOL, and pay and you’re over here saying you’ll take a ****ing pay cut in 2019?! No wonder you’re at Mesa.
Ok your saying you won't take a paycut, my apologies maybe your at a mainline already, I did not realize this. Mainline have AA rates for E175, CRJ 700 and 900and UAL have rates for E175 and CRJ 700. They don't match republic rates they are much higher sooooo. If you are flying any aircraft that has an AA or UAL logo and your NOT being paid the pay rate which was negotiated by the pilots that work for that parent company then in essence you are doing what?........ Taking a paycut. You can squabble all you want I realize until I get to mainline as long as I fly thier banner and not receive thier negotiated rates that thier pilots would get, I take a paycut. By the way I could have gone to Republic for higher pay but, I would have to commute, pay for crash pads, eat out more and just spend more money so I did the math for me not just what looks good on paper if I had went to your awesome company I would have given myself; say it with me........ a paycut. Had to look out for me