Thread: Change My View - Part 117

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PurpleToolBox , 02-01-2020 12:01 PM
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Quote: Sounds like if a truck driver had to “keep two sets of books” in order to make money, the new rules weren’t the problem.
The point was to show that e-logs meant that nobody could cheat, but now everyone is in a race against that clock and that has made the industry less safe. The new rules make it less safe. Some companies even increased the maximum speed the trucks could drive so the driver could make up lost time. Now there's NO flexibility or common sense in the system. If the e-log says you can drive, you better be on duty or driving, even if you are tired. If you are wide awake and it says you need to be off duty, your truck better be parked.

This is why I am paralleling FAR 117 to the above. FDX has mitigation procedures in place for our unique operation. One set of rules isn't going to work for every operation. I am not advocating people cheat or fly fatigue. But I also don't want my chances of making money reduced in the name of one blanket of safety.

Just my opinion, FAR 117 isn't going to make FDX's operations safer.