Thread: Compass Updates 2: Revenge of the Sit

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RemiDenton , 02-17-2020 06:28 PM
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Quote: I’m a chump? Care to meet?

Yes, I would like to "meet". I'll tell you what, why don't we start off with a spelling bee. Third grade style to give you a chance. You'll have to deal with "their, there and they're" conundrums and maybe follow up with a few "your vs you're" tests. IF you can get through those (your post history isn't boding well for you) then we'll focus on the next phase.

You're in a CP forum talking up OO and you don't even work there. IDK what you're going for man, all I know is we've kept it light over here. You read the boards much? The folks you read pitching in and visiting old friends in here or having worthwhile conversations... they typically offer value to the conversation. If they don't, the meme's follow. Why don't you talk a walk down memory lane and look at what has followed all of your posts...