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Old 01-15-2008, 09:19 PM
Gets Weekends Off
Joined APC: Jan 2007
Posts: 331


DW said that although BLG cuts and "F" aren't on the immediate horizon, the union is going to come up with strategies for combatting them if/when they do pop up. I also think that the whole crew force is best served by a lack of BLG reduction and a lack of "F" (since I am a Furloughee, I love saying it this way!).

I went with a negative attitude and came away neutral on a lot of things. Again, the biggest problem is that this information is only being recieved by those who attend these meetings (and who post here).

One other thing I want to mention. Everyone says to get involved in ALPA and be a part of the solution. I think today was a great indicator. When I first walked in it was standing room only, there weren't near enough chairs for all the people who came. This tells me that they were only expecting a small turnout....but at least they had plenty of sandwiches!! It was nice to see that so many people felt it was time to get out and show the flag, so to speak. Hopefully this will continue, and they will come up with a way to keep those who are unable to attend more informed.
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