Thread: Ameriflight
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Old 03-27-2020, 04:59 AM
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Joined APC: Oct 2018
Posts: 93

Originally Posted by Frmrbufdrvr View Post
I know the industry is scary right now and alot of people just want to get hired anywhere, but seriously avoid this company. Whatever 91 gig you currently have (CFI, banner tow, skydive) can’t be bad enough to justify working here, wish someone had told me that then.

To start, in training I was the youngest guy and they assumed I intended on getting my atp mins and going to 121 world. Instructor consistently singled me out on day 1, finally saying he was sending me home because my medical expired in a month and “he didn’t see how I’d have time to get it with class going on.” HR then explained he couldn’t do that and I could continue. Instructors consistently claimed how tough training would be but how AMF training was the best available. Having gone through 121 indoc, it was no different. Death by PowerPoint and unmotivated instructors, some of whom were always on their phones. During systems written a classmate didn’t pass but they allowed a retest, before he took it training dept intervened and said it was going to be 7 question free response. He passed the material but they deducted points for for grammar/spelling so he failed. So training is a joke, but thats not even the worst.

I had a stellar training captain who I am still close with 2 years later, and the company provided housing in my base and my roommate and I got along great. We had no management or supervision in base which I thought was odd but I was told its how that base operates and I didn’t think twice. What I didn’t know then was how management was treating the other pilots in my base, causing them all to leave within months. If only I had known.

First month was mosty great! Flying was fun, pay was good, was mostly left alone to do my job.

My base pilot supervisor was leaving the next Month and took a week off and asked me to try his duties to learn so I could take over. Same week the chief pilot visited and ripped my world apart. Nothing I did was right by him, even though I was a month onto the line and alone in base. I mentioned I had sights on taking on supervisor position and I was quite literally laughed at in front of other pilots.

The next two months were followed by several petty and manipulative actions/words from my chief pilot. Within 4 months of starting, I did not trust my certificates or my career at ameriflight.

After leaving, I was hounded as to “where I was going” by this same person as if I would actually say at the time. I actually went and paid for my last several hours to meet ATP mins instead of staying another month.

Do Not Go Here.
I have no skin in the game but I do find it extremely irritating that you created a screen name that was ONE letter different than frmrbuffdrvr, who has given tons of information on this thread for a long time, in order to make this post. This action alone leads me to believe that you are a complete piece of human garbage. You were probably a terrible pilot, which is why they were constantly looking for excuses to get rid of your conniving ass. I bet you were one of the people that completely screwed over your neighbors and bought 1 years worth of toilet paper and frozen pizza. As for the instructor singling you out, I would bet my stimulus check that you had a huge mouth that wouldn't stay shut, talking about your awesome skills as a CFI. I will admit that I read through your post and was thinking about how terrible Ameriflight might be. However, this stolen screen name makes me think you have a personal problem.
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