Thread: UAL - manpower reduction options

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duvie , 04-03-2020 08:10 AM
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Hey MassG,

I get your stance man, I'm a bit of a cynic by nature, and although being categorically skeptical is not a bad trait, flat out not believing anything you hear isn't discerning or intelligent, its just being a contrarian (which I'm guilty off from time to time). I too don't really understand the scale of this reaction relative to a lot of other existential threats, but we're squarely in this quagmire now, so all we can do is figure out how to come out the other side stronger than our competitors. I very well could be naive, but I believe that our union leadership and Mr. Kirby want to see United Airlines thrive and I believe C-suite management will let each unionized group weigh in on how to divy up their respective "piece of the expenditure pie" as they see fit (furloughs with full pay for those left VS 60 hr lines for everybody). We are also much harder to chop up than say the FAs, station agents or tech ops employees are.

As stated on the town hall, shutting down doesn't really save us that much money. Most of our costs are fixed (A/C leases, payroll, airport costs, etc), so with fuel being cheap, not operating the flights doesn't really do much to stem the bleeding.

my opinions, worth the paper they're printed on