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Old 04-03-2020, 09:41 AM
Buck Rogers
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Joined APC: Apr 2018
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Originally Posted by Banzai View Post
“Snap back” or even “snap up” is a buzzword for “we give now and you pay us back later.”
I wasn’t around for bankruptcy before, but I have zero confidence that we will be paid back anything later, based on history and current rhetoric.
All payment now. No IOUs. Want ALV relief? Give us our entire section 23 ask right now. Since we’re over staffed, at this moment our ask is unlikely to cost any more right now.
Well, I was around for that. We the pilots learned a lesson..."full pay till the last day"

I'm thinking management learned something too. If you are not culpable(world wide pandemic whoda thunk) go into banktuptcy... abrogate all the contracts(PILOTS) ....within 1p years like a Phoenix rising....historic profit for company, management a d new shareholders......15 years for pilots to get back to the starting line

Yep.....both sides learn something....pilots aren't the only ones! Let's hope this doesnt go too far down hill.... .the outcome may be different than expectations
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