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Old 04-06-2020, 09:56 PM
Gets Weekends Off
Joined APC: Jun 2014
Posts: 160

For me - YEP - Southwest is wonderful!!

It is all about what you want in life and what kind of flying you like. For me, Southwest was a perfect fit and I knew it since I was young. I wanted to be a Southwest pilot since I was 16.

I live in base, fly as much as I can. I do it not only because the money is great, but because I love flying. I don’t particularly like long hauls but love the 1-2 hours per leg.Other guys love the heavy metal and long trips. To each their own. That is what is great about aviation.

Living in base is HUGE part of my happiness. Don’t ever underestimate that. While other guys are spending parts of 3-4 days commuting, I am either flying and making money, or spending time in my home, traveling or with my family.

Now for the downside:
Pilots have about a 90% divorce rate.
You will not see weekends or holidays off for years.
You will get up at 3 AM and not get home til very late at night sometimes.
You will spend a fortune to get here.
You will be away from home A LOT! You may not be there when your children or nephew take their first steps or when they hit their first Home Run. You will miss birthday parties, Christmas, special events and celebrate them on days other than the actual date.
You will likely be furloughed, your airline may go bankrupt or merged, and you will prepare to or even go on strike.
You may get downgraded from Captain to FO, or lose your medical (which causes you to not only lose flying but your income) and your emotional roller coaster likely won’t end til the day you retire (ask the guys in their late 50’s right now)
You will fly with some great people and some who seem to just hate the world.
You will fly with former astronauts and guys that you will be amazed how they can find the lav.

I was part of what the industry calls the lost generation and the $36.62 club (what I got paid for six years at Republic). I did not upgrade for 8 years due to the retirement age being raised by the govt. I spent 8 years as an FO at the regionals and never made more than $35k a year.

I am in my late 30’s and have never married due to the extreme risk of divorce and don’t want to give away half+ of everything I have sacrificed for. That will likely mean I will miss out on having and raising children. For now, I will have to be satisfied with nieces and nephews..

I experienced virtually everything above and may now get furloughed again because of Corona.

I tell you all of this not to discourage you because I would do it all again in a heartbeat if I could end up at Southwest. The company is amazing, I make a boat load of money, I love the 737, but most of all it is the Southwest people and culture. They fit me like a glove. “Most” Captains have been fantastic and treat you with respect and as an equal. We laugh, work hard, play hard and kick ass when stuff goes wrong - and it will.

I truly wish you the best in pursuit of your aviation career. Study hard, work hard, save your money, get your degree, help other pilots, volunteer, be ready for extreme highs but also horrific lows, but most of all enjoy the ride.

For me - YEP it was worth the ride and - - - Southwest is WONDERFUL!!!
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