Thread: Frontier Less likely to survive

turbojet28 , 04-24-2020 09:35 AM
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At this point I honestly don’t understand what people expect. Are we to shut down society until a vaccine is in place? If not, then re-opening is inevitable. The curve has been flattened. That’s not some right-wing conspiracy, it’s the truth. Hospitals are empty all over the country, for the most part. It is baffling to me why anyone would be against just reopening everything now with proper precautions in place (Masks, social distancing when possible, symptom checks, etc). No one says you have to go out if you are fearful of catching it or spreading it. If you feel it’s best to quarantine, then go for it. These over-bearing mandated shutdowns are just ridiculous at this point. A month or two ago when we had so little data? Sure. If you dare to venture outside of mainstream news sources, there are many medical experts sounding alarms about how stupid this is becoming.