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Old 04-24-2020, 02:43 PM
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Joined APC: Nov 2012
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Originally Posted by Lewbronski View Post
Another reason not to reveal personal information here like hire dates: management reads this forum. The more specific the demographic info that is provided here, the more easily management can concoct a 51% solution to secure various voting blocs. Remember, despite all of the rhetoric from management, we are cost units. We are a commodity item.

If you don’t believe that management reads these forums, go look up the pleadings filed in federal court by Spirit management against the Spirit pilots with several pages of quotes directly from this forum. Partially as a result of what was quoted from APC, the judge ruled against the pilots.

Pilots: more often than not, our own worst enemies.
true mgmt reads them, and they can get your identity no matter how covert you try to be. but giving a preference or an opinion is hardly subject to discipline. just don’t say anything here you wouldn’t express to the company in a town hall or crew room visit.

the Spirit case and others like it had to do with advocating job action which isn’t legal under rla. A much different situation.
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