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Old 04-25-2020, 08:14 AM
Joined APC: Nov 2013
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Originally Posted by zerozero View Post
Sure, no one cares about freight pilots, but everyone has a cell phone these days. This one captured some freight dogs taking the time to toss their bags out of the burning flight de...uh, cockpit.
I got the real story about this from the FedEx Central Air Safety guy at a meeting once. As you recall from the video, they had to egress from the cockpit windows because the wind from the left side of the jet had collapsed the slide.

There were a bunch of DHers on board. While they were waiting for their chance to get to the cockpit window, they figured WTF and started tossing the bags out the L1 door. The fire was pretty far aft of the area. They got out as fast as they could using one window and one escape rope.
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