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Old 01-20-2008, 11:03 PM
Gets Weekends Off
Joined APC: Aug 2006
Posts: 111

Bucket List...great movie...
Hmmm...been workin on this ever since I saw A Walk to Remember...hehe:
(designed the goals to be reached before age 25 (year 2012-a bad year according to the Mayans), only crossed one off so far, and have come close to a couple more).

1. Like everyone else, go skydiving
2. Finish the Bible
3. Get my pilot's license
4. Learn how to surf
5. travel the world
6. Read the books and mags in my room
7. Improve at the pole vault (12 ft is the goal)
8. Make the president's list
9. Weigh 148 lbs again (only 9.5 more to go!!!)
10. Learn to ollie on my skateboard by age 22.
11. Learn the unicycle.
12. Use my ice skates.
13. Finish knitting my scarf.
14. Clean my room.
15. Fast and meditate.
16. Eventually, marry the perfect spouse
17. Even further down the road, have a coupla kids.

16. (Though far-fetched, certainly an amusing challenge) Design a simpler flight mechanism than the ones in current existence. Preferrably that use man power as opposed to octane.
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