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Old 05-01-2020, 02:33 PM
Beech Dude
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Originally Posted by WutFace View Post
Totally not an angry mob.

If a Michigan State Trooper dies of COVID-19 will you retract your statement? Or will you hand wave it away like you do with all other facts?
Lighten up man. Nothing I've said is waving away facts. I also never said I didn't like what you're saying. I have no problem with what you're saying. I'm just bringing up other factors to consider. Normal debate. Nothing about me not liking you. I'm sure we aren't that different. Its ok to have different viewpoints and reasonably talk about them. Its what makes this country great. Are they actually angry? Sure, thats why they are protesting. Are they actually resulting to violence, no. Would I go about it like this? Not entirely. Like I said before, its within their rights to have their arms. Do I think they are needed or wise in this situation? No. Do I think the noose and threat of hanging is appropriate? No. Would I dismiss an officer dying in the line of duty? No. But using that idea of making him a martyr for COVID is thin. If an officer was clipped by a car on a traffic stop and died, no one would know about it because the "news" won't parrot it 24/7. Only the family and friends of the departed would care. Aka daily life and thats not right or wrong, its just life.

Last edited by Beech Dude; 05-01-2020 at 02:51 PM.
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