Thread: Base transfers
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Old 05-02-2020, 12:10 PM
On Reserve
Joined APC: May 2019
Posts: 19

Originally Posted by amcnd View Post
No DVR could be they anticipate the need for a huge “re-alignment” bid... SAPA call said no training tell August, and letting people dequal.(full pay). why would they do that?? Well could be that the cost to run CQ then only 2 month later displace people to the ERJ/CRJ or heaven forbid the street, would be a waste of money... Or could mean FSI is not ready to reopen there facilities... Lots of unknowns
Admittedly, I didn't listen to the call, but the cliff's notes on the SAPA forum says the dequal at full pay was for pilots in special tracking, did they really say "all" pilots will be dequalled with full pay? Granted, not much we can do if FSI isn't opening the facilities. My CQ was supposed to be Easter Sunday, Sked+ now says I dequal June 30th. Not being able to requal until August (at the earliest) will make things very interesting. I haven't flown in three weeks, and won't for May, now I'm wondering if it's even worth trying to do my 90 day currency in June if I won't be qualified in July anyway.
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