Thread: Lockdown and Civil Unrest Discussion

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PilotH , 05-03-2020 07:47 AM
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So, I started this saga off with a firm belief that most of us are going to get it, and it's a matter of flattening that curve so our hospital resources aren't overwhelmed. But that most of us will get it and that's inevitable.

Watching data come in from AKL and SYD however, I'm starting to doubt that. South Australia is reporting only seven active COVID-19 cases at this point, and is on track to become COVID free if that keeps up. New Zealand has had less than ten cases a day since mid-April, and also likely on track to get that quashed if they keep their measures in place.

Doesn't sound necessarily impossible to me anymore to say that we can reduce the number of cases that we will have in total significantly. Just that we don't prioritize that as a nation, and consider this acceptable collateral damage, which everyone has their own opinion on. What am I missing here?