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Old 05-10-2020, 02:22 AM
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Originally Posted by WutFace View Post
You have any evidence for this claim? Or is this purely based on a hunch?

Have you ever seen the aftermath of a wildfire? It doesn't burn in a straight line, nor does it burn 100% of the trees and grass. It's splotchy. It burns in waves and changes directions with the winds.

And that's how this virus will spread without intervention. COVID-19 hotspots will travel in waves across the country, hitting and re-hitting the same towns over again. Skipping regions completely only to double back the next season. The idea that "everyone will eventually be infected" will take years. What you think is faster will be much slower, and much more deadly. There's not a single reputable expert on the planet that will advocate for the 'let it ride' zero intervention approach.
Have you ever fought a wildfire? you've probably never cut a firebreak in your life.... but if you're going to make that comparison, which is a pretty good one, it's important to note that fighting a wildfire is good job security, but a fool's mission. By fighting wildfires, we just make the next season's fires worse. Which is great for anyone in the business of fighting them, the better they do their job, the more job security they get for next year. But it's bad for the forests and the surrounding areas. Now for viruses... If we hit everyone with the same strain of the flu at the same time, the flu virus would die out. But instead we just vaccinate and let it come and go in continuous waves. Flatten the curve... even if it costs more lives in the long run, it's much more politically acceptable the short term. This is pure politics at this point. Not science.

Wildfires need to happen, herd immunity needs to happen. Fighting either just makes the next wave worse. Let's do a controlled burn with the virus. Lock up the at risk, do the controlled burn, wait for the fire to go out, let the at-risk back out. At this point, we have a pretty good idea of who's going to die from this and who's not. Let's use that information to our advantage instead of continuing down this road to nowhere.

Last edited by threeighteen; 05-10-2020 at 02:44 AM.
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