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Old 05-10-2020, 03:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Aero1900 View Post
Americans are too dumb to deal with this.

The US has done by far the worst job containing the spread of this disease and will therefore suffer the most. Lots of other countries have significantly slowed the spread and can safely start reopening. We are going to reopen before we see any progress. The United States response to this pandemic is an embarrassment.
Leave it to the left to politicize a global viral pandemic.

Over 60,000 Americas have already died. That's 20X more than 9/11 and more than the entire Vietnam War.... And it only took 3 months!
Irrelevant stats are still irrelevant. Covid has killed only 11.6% of the annual deaths from the annual #1 killer, heart disease.

Our incredibly poor handling of this will ensure that we suffer the most. While other countries go back to normal, we will be floundering. We have already had 5x more cases than anywhere else, and triple the deaths of the next worst country.

But yeah, we should totally protest the stay at home order. Let's see how bad we can make this. Let's all disregard information and rational thought. Let's pretend this is the govt trying to take away your liberty. Let's reopen everything and see if we can kill 100k people by the 4th of July. Let's keep spreading the virus so we can keep our schools closed and planes grounded for a long time! Let's open it up so we can make the problem far worse. Let's open it up and delay the return to normal as long as possible. Let's keep digging this hole deeper! Let's make this political! You know, because the virus cares who you voted for.

We have got to stop taking political sides on everything. We need to do the right thing so we can actually slow the spread and start to resume normal life. In case you haven't noticed, the Gov't hasn't stopped the airlines from flying. In fact, the govt just handed the airlines 25 Billion dollars and said "you can have this money so long as you keep flying." But.... no one is flying. People are scared of getting sick and dying. People are trying to stop the spread of the disease. Protesters at the capital are not part of the solution.
There's a reason it's here more than other places. What countries do you think the Chinese visit in the December Christmas break? Travel from China to the US and Europe is very high compared to travel from China to South America or Africa.

I fear that the United States will suffer far worse than anywhere else on earth. And we can thank the non stop, political BS this country consumes.

You can flame away and be mad at me or think I'm an idiot. I don't care. We are failing this miserably. And the folks who refuse to take officials advice and recommendations because of a political meme they saw on Facebook will continue to make the problem worse.
I don't fear it. Why do you? Turn of CNN and go out for a walk outside. How are we failing? I think this country has done a pretty good job, all things considered. What do you want? A full complete lock down to continue until a vaccine comes out? That is unrealistic. You literally espouse burning the house down to solve a rat problem.
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