Thread: Crickets
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Old 05-18-2020, 03:15 PM
Gets Weekends Off
Joined APC: Feb 2015
Posts: 443

Originally Posted by skyemiles2 View Post
LOL y’all are awesome. That’s hilarious. Thank you for sharing that.

What’s the “UGH” heard around the world?
Every month I was at Compass, a bid packet would be sent from the head of crew planning to the entire pilot group via company email, and some managers in crew scheduling. Included in the text of said email is occasionally other bits of unusual info. This month, crew planning said that they would offer long call reserve to some pilots (a limited number, but still greater than 0). In response, the manager of crew scheduling replied all with one word saying "ugh." The best part, besides the fact that this now got sent to the ENTIRE pilot group and several high-ups in management, was that her signature said "have a nice day" with an airplane made out of varying keyboard symbols arranged into a T-tail plane (even though Compass had not flown any CRJs for years), along with her name.

She then got a talking to from the system chief pilot (among others), and was told she needed to keep her communications more professional and show more respect for the pilot group. Later the same day that "ugh" was sent, the system chief pilot sent out an email to the entire pilot group saying that the situation had been handled and that she was properly reprimanded.

This was just one of many instances of people in headquarters not knowing how to send emails properly. Some highlights from my time there include a long email chain of gossip (with nothing at all relating to work) between two employees in TSH headquarters in STL being sent to the entire pilot group unintentionally after it had about 6 emails of text back and forth. A few emails from flight attendant managers detailing flight attendants that were fired and not eligible for rehire being sent to the entire pilot group (to which two pilots then replied all saying "good luck" to the flight attendant who had been fired). An email from someone training mechanics with names and some basic info asking for SSNs and other highly confidential information of new employees that clearly was meant as an internal memo that got sent to the entire pilot group. And finally, in response to an email that crew scheduling sent out looking for someone to pick up a 2 day trip for "critical pay", a certain pilot replied all to the entire pilot group saying that he'd pick it up for "crib pay" instead of "crit pay" (autocorrect fail) if they bought him off his 3 day trip that started on day 2 of the original trip.
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