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Old 05-19-2020, 05:44 AM
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Originally Posted by rickair7777 View Post
Everybody knows it would be unlicensed charter ops. The "premise" is that it connects like-minded travelers, some of whom have a plane.

Uber had the same premise initially (ride sharing). How many uber drivers are actually full-time cab drivers? Many or most. How many of the part-timers actually just happen to be going in the direction the pax wants to go? Zero.

Now if they want to get a 135 cert like everyone else, then they can use whatever scheduling software they like.
Oh I agree its an unlicensed charter ops because the FAA says so. I say drop the pretext and let people fly where they want whether it's a common destination or not. Limit the size of the aircraft is fine by me. Along the same line I recall that the FAA stated that they have found 3 contracts as private carriage but they had found 11 contracts as common carriage. I guess a bright line would take away their power to regulate as they see fit. Maybe the FAA should be more concerned about keeping the 737 MAX from killing people by the dozens than a guy flying a Cessna 206 from Texas to Florida. I see page after page of people on APC losing their minds over government regulations because let's face it it affects their life and bottom line even though the restrictions are in place for the "public interest" Look at police speed traps. All couched in public safety but oh how the cities love it as the money rolls in. Finally, who are we kidding? I'm sure some 135 operators like the regulations as they are because it protects their monetary interests. Fairness I suppose in the eye of the beholder.
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