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Old 07-16-2020, 06:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Knobcrk1 View Post
Wishful thinking. The only reason why this is prolonged is because we didn’t take it seriously. The only way to stop this is masks and social distancing as well as lockdowns. States like NJ that are populated with heavy cases have gotten it under control with strict requirements. The country has obviously failed so far as we’re still in the first wave but now that places are closing down again maybe people will take it more seriously. You can’t have an economy until infection rates are under control, there’s no other way. Good luck trying to get people to take a vaccine if it ever comes. There has to be temporary economic sacrifices in order to not have a full on depression. The sooner people accept this the quicker we will come out of it. The flight loads would have been much better by now as well if we had actual mandates and lockdowns like in other countries.
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