Thread: 737s coming to Mesa for DHL...?

avi8tor614 , 07-17-2020 08:05 AM
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Quote: I don’t think you know what a B scale is. I suggest reading Hard Landing. Also, it’s you’re...
Been there done that, maybe not a B scale in the same company, but as far as economically compensation scale in the same industry. There will always be the highest paid and anything other than is a lower scale. B scale, second tier, fair market scale I don't care what you call it. My point is I'm sick and tired of people coming in saying, oh you lowered the bar. If you sign any contract less than the highest earners in that industry or profession, you ALSO have done what lowered the bar. So please before you throw stones at Mesa, look at your own wage and if a guy or gal is making one penny more same equipment same seat per hour. You also have lowered the bar and by definition of the "hard landing" it's not a B scale, but really whats the difference.