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Old 07-26-2020, 04:02 PM
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Originally Posted by P-3Bubba View Post
So the point of this thread is to validate that there is as of today and never has been A National Plan of Action to Combat COVID-19? Cause seems like those things would be included in that plan, as to how to test, where to test, who’s required to be tested, how long testing centers should return tests, how to code data......... You know leadership stuff.

That's somewhat true when you know what your dealing with. In the military we have Intel and country studies and plans long before we engage an enemy. In talking about this disease it would be impossible to even make a complete plan for every possible bug. Every bug is somewhat different. Their modality of infection may be is it airborne, surface contact etc. What systems in the body do they effect, what age groups are in danger, how long is someone sick for, how long is somebody contagious, can we even develop a test to detect the bug, how do you validate those test, who can manufacture the test and in what quantities. What are any mitigation steps that can be taken...these are but a few of the unknowns for EVERY disease/virus or bacteria. In otherwords you will ALWAYS be playing catch up. With multiple countries around the world testing different, testing different therapies, false information, corrupt politicians and a financial incentive to lie about Corona cases I would LOVE to hear your master plan. We have all kinds of fantastic capabilities in this country, but unfortunately many of the questions I laid out just take time, sometimes weeks or months just to understand what we are dealing with, much less combat it. In less than 6 months most of these questions have been answered, we export ventilators, less people are dying, therapies are beginning to show promise, we have 2 phase 3 trials of a vaccine, the Oxford one is showing 100% efficacy so far and we have already paid for 300 million dosages (that are in active manufacture by the way) potentially by the muddle to late fall. On the whole I think weve done pretty damn good. I for one dont fault Trump or anyone in the govt, other than trying to provide information perhaps a bit to quick before they had the complete answer. There definitely needs to be a hotwash following this insanity. We definitely need a more comprehensive way of dealing with this in the future, but we will have to deal with the sticky idea of federalism and state vs federal responsibility and scope.
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