Thread: When will training restart

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MasterOfPuppets , 07-29-2020 10:57 AM
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Quote: fireman: Ya, no I get it
master: I think there are two things being conflated here but I almost don’t care enough to explain it. Yes, I’d imagine a furloughed United pilot could interview and get hired at Mesa once Mesa starts hiring again. They’d certainly be qualified and could definitely do the job. I guess they’d go straight to captain at year one captain pay, idk and idc. I’m sure that there aren’t any that would stoop so low as to put on a Mesa uniform and fly an rj but I’m sure if I flew with one that went through it all just to fly I’d enjoy sharing the flight deck with them. I think the issue that everyone has recently become inflamed about, and it is the buzz in the IAH terminal (I don’t work there) is united pilots speaking of it as a down flow of sorts. JO was clear that that is not a thing. Again I don’t really know and I don’t really care to pee all over the walls over the details. I’ve barely been here a year and I can say everyone outside definitely loves to hate us at Mesa. I don’t have a problem with it. Wear it like a badge of honor. We have a good pilot group and some great CPs and LCAs. Several people in my class including myself could’ve gone to other “better” places but choose to come here for one reason or another. Like any profession we have our nerds and losers but that is a small percentage of the group and from my time jumpseating, is inline with the other shops for both big and little airplanes. Damn I was sucked in?!
Finally master, you are probably the most awesome album ever recorded. ✌🏻
good post no argument from me.

its not a downflow or flow back. And United Furloughed pilots will enter on the bottom of the list but paid as year 2. Anyone who says any different doesn’t know what the LOA says.....IF THEY WOULD READ IT MAYBE IT WOULD CLEAR THINGS UP!

there is an outside chance I will be furloughed.....Iv done the regionals I can do them again. My pride is not such that I would rather put my family on the street than work for a Mesa. It’s not my first choice.....but if it’s my ONLY choice sign me up. This doesn’t have to be a contentious issue. Why are people so angry about pilots Mesa hasn’t even hired yet?