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Old 08-24-2020, 07:10 PM
Line Holder
Joined APC: Jan 2018
Posts: 72

Originally Posted by firefighterplt View Post
Let’s say they restart hiring in 2-3 years. Let’s say they want an ATP and 2500TT just to warm a right seat. Let’s say the bonuses are gone and the wages straight suck.

You will still have guys lined up down the street for those jobs. Between those with SJS and those who consider flying to be all they know, they will take those jobs.

As things slowly ramp up and the barriers to entry slowly return to ‘normal’, people will be so far removed from this catastrophe that they’ll throw their hat in the ring. The kids who were 17 when C19 hit will have absolutely no recollection of how it affected the industry, and will be eager to sit in the right seat of an RJ at 23.

Hate to say it, but this won’t change a damn thing at the bottom—there’s always fresh blood that’ll fly for damn near free.
I partially agree...yes there were people lined up to be pilots. But nowhere near what they needed. I believe it was ALPA stated that although there is was a shortage, there were also several hundred thousands of available pilots and pay was an issue. I believe the next shortage will require even more pay or paid primary training.
If I get furloughed again, its game over for me and this career. I've been down this road before and after a 15 year hiatus, I know a career not flying related is just as good or even better in some respects. Even if I don't get furloughed, the chances are high its gonna be a pretty sh!tty job for a long time.
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