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Old 08-26-2020, 08:29 AM
Max Thrust
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Joined APC: Apr 2008
Posts: 69

Originally Posted by KnockKnock View Post
Yeah, the irony.

It is ironic that those who scream snowflake at people who speak up against racism or injustice are they themselves the one who live in fear of minorities and immigrants. Fear that they’ll take their jobs, move into their neighborhoods, protest in their towns. They’re always the ones who say, “I’m not racist, BUT...”

It is ironic that those same scared people who decry “cancel culture”, because the Dixie chicks change their name or Washington dropped the derogatory “redskin” moniker, are the ones trying to put Goodyear out of business, stopped shopping at Dick’s sporting goods, smashed their yeti coolers, refused to buy Taylor Swift CD’s, burned their Nike’s, boycotted the NFL and drummed out a player for raising the issue at hand. Why, even last night during the RNC, they pulled a speech from a Q supporter. (Which I agree they were right to do but daaaaaamn, the irony).

It is ironic that the same weak minded folks call anyone using their first amendment rights to protest any injustice, a fascist. All while supporting forcible suppression of that opposition and strong regimentation of society. Which if you haven’t guessed, is the very definition of fascism.

It’s quite ironic that those same scared, weak minded people championing the use of fascist force, hold up the constitution and proclaim it to be a perfect document which disproves racism while apparently not realizing it has been amended 27 times. Not grasping the fact that the purpose of the United States is to constantly strive to be a, “more perfect Union”, not rest on our laurels from 1789 and in order to do so, must accept change.

Most ironic of all, the ones promoting a petition to “depoliticize” AS, are using right leaning talking points filled with straw man arguments and tag lines championed by threatening conspiracy theorists with ties to the extreme right.

So in short, I agree, “oh, the irony”.
A effing men!
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