Thread: Mesa issues warn notice to pilots

tonsterboy5 , 09-15-2020 06:45 AM
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Quote: Question: say the MOU doesn’t get passed and 490 guys end up getting furloughed. Are the remaining pilots still subject to the reduced block hours for their bids? For instance, would they continue to see 60-70 hour lines like we currently are? If so, then whoever is on reserve is gonna get worked to death if they’re cutting 490 pilots.

If they’re going to bring it back to normal block hours, then it gives the guys not being furloughed or downgraded (top 40%?) huge incentive to vote no since they’d be losing around 25 ish hours a month rather than just 8.
No, they will increase the average block hours for line holders. They will do everything they can to work those left right to the max without having to cancel a flight for no pilots. “Perfect” airline staffing is at the end of the day every pilot flew, and no trips get canceled for no pilots.