Thread: To "Emirates" or "not to Emirates"

Gillegan , 02-03-2008 03:07 AM
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Quote: atpcliff:

The current President of Emirates Airlines, Tim Clark, has gone on record as saying there will never be basings at Emirates as long as he is with the company. . ...
This is absolutely true. You would be foolish to make your plans based on anything else.

The bottom line is anyone considering coming here has to have rocks in his head if he thinks he is going to commute. If that is your plan, I cannot stress firmly enough how you should look elsewhere. Unless you plan to bring your kids up in Dubai ..........don't even look to this place.
This is very good advice. If anyone in recruiting is telling you otherwise, you need to consider it in the context that they are under enormous pressure to meet the required numbers this year yet are denied the resources and or package to do it. Very simply, they have no authority to say anything other than what Mr. Clark has said above. You can say what you want about him (and I usually do) but he can't be accused of mixed messages regarding commuting or basings.