Thread: TA Discussion
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Old 09-23-2020, 06:29 AM
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Posts: 131

Originally Posted by Dogbelch View Post
I’m looking past the emotional heartstrings of those being furloughed with the ramifications of this scheme long term towards all of us and our cba.

Btw, my mattress is a Sealy...about $800 dollars and 5 years old.
So does the TA up for vote supersede in the entirety the current CBA? Does the current TA not have out clauses based on many different possible scenarios including bankruptcy? Do you think this legally binding agreement will somehow be the basis the company uses when and if it decides it files?

I think you need to get a better mattress bro. Your Sealy is keeping you up at night and it’s making you paranoid. It’s pretty clear this has out clauses for just about every single possible outcome. This TA is a stop gap to hopefully keep the company moving toward the goal line of getting out of this mess. Look at the financials bro, if this company decides to shrink 30 percent they can not generate enough revenue to be a sustainable business. They will not have the ability to defend their market share and the cost to retake market share will be too high moving forward. Management is backed into a corner and they need a little help. You think management would not dump 3900 pilots October 1 if they could? Absolutely, but they see the financials, they have played the war games in the C suite, they see and know what’s going on and determined this is the best battle plan. Read the financials please, take 40-50 percent off the revenue pile and see if they can make debt obligations moving forward. Why 40-50 percent? Because if they shrink 30 percent they lose any and all of the pricing power they once had and it will not be coming back. They would be a market follower and not a leader.

Make no mistake about it IMO if this TA fails in 18 months United will be in court. They will not be financially viable moving forward. Call up your financial analyst and ask about his/her take on investing in United. Ask questions, ask about financials moving forward, ask about debt obligations. Or do it yourself, personally I get a high off SEC filings and enjoy the read but that’s a prior life.

To wrap up this way too long post, one is making a choice of a guaranteed court date or giving the company and some pilots a shot at making it to the other side.
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